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Top Priorities of a Search and Social Advertising Strategy [Research]

Failing to plan is planning to fail. That’s why “developing a more effective strategy” to integrate search and social advertising practices is a top priority for 59% of marketing influencers. “Increasing search and social ad conversions” is also a top priority for half (50%) of respondents. Integrating the “pull” of …

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Tactical Effectiveness of Email Marketing Engagement

Single-topic email campaigns are a most effective tactic for improving email engagement for 46% of marketing influencers. By focusing the subject line, content, etc. on a single-topic, marketers are able to capture and keep the attention of those subscribers interested in that topic. Email marketing performance is driven by subscriber …

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Challenges for a Marketing Data & Technology Strategy

Integrating data across more technologies is a most challenging barrier to success for 44% of marketing influencers. If an organization is unable to generate reliable and relevant data (a challenging barrier for 41%), integrating the unreliable data is not desirable. One of the factors most critical to marketing success is …

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Top Priorities for an Account-Based Marketing Strategy [Research]

While aligning sales and marketing initiatives is a top priority for half (50%) of marketing influencers, they also want credit where credit is due. For this reason, 41% consider attributing marketing efforts to revenue another top priority for ABM. Half of marketing influencers consider aligning their initiatives with sales teams …

Email List Growth Trends Trends [Research]

Email List Growth Trends Email is consistently one of the highest converting marketing channels available. But what strategies and tactics are marketers using to increase the number of those receiving their email? To find out, Ascend2 and our Research Partners fielded the Email List Growth Trends Survey. We thank the …

Marketing Data Quality Trends [Research]

MARKETING DATA QUALITY TRENDS Quality marketing data enables the targeting of customers you want with the information they want. But how do marketers plan to improve their data quality in the year ahead? To find out, Ascend2 and our Research Partners fielded the Marketing Data Quality Trends Survey. We thank …

Social Media Marketing Trends [Research]

HOW CONTENT DRIVES SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING Creating compelling content for social media marketing purposes is not only the most effective tactic used, it is also the most difficult tactic to execute. What types of content are marketers using and how are they using them to achieve objectives? To find out, …

Marketing Data Management [Research]

MARKETING DATA MANAGEMENT Prospect and customer data drives just about everything in marketing today, including ROI. But how are organizations managing marketing data to achieve success? To find out, Ascend2 and our Research Partners fielded the Marketing Data Management Survey and completed interviews with 183 marketing influencers from April 1 …

Conversion Rate Optimization [Research]

CONVERSION RATE OPTIMIZATION Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is a systematic approach to maximizing the completed calls-to-action on a website. But how are companies converting more website visitors to leads and revenue? To find out, Ascend2 and our Research Partners fielded the Conversion Rate Optimization Survey. We thank the participants of …

Email Marketing Strategy [Research]

EMAIL MARKETING STRATEGY Strategically, increasing engagement with prospects and customers is a critical email marketing priority. But what tactics are marketers using to achieve this goal? To find out, Ascend2 and our Research Partners fielded the Email Marketing Strategy Survey. We thank the participants of this survey for sharing their …