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The Difference Between Market Research and Research-Based Marketing

Actually, market research and research-based marketing, are two completely different concepts that come into play at varying times within an overall marketing strategy. What follows is a straight-forward breakdown of each and where they might land in your marketing efforts. What is market research? To put it simply…  Using “market …

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New Research: Digital Marketing Plans for 2020

Marketing dollars have shifted from traditional media to digital channels, like email and social media, because of the economies of digital marketing level the playing field for companies of all sizes. But what will an effective digital marketing plan look like in 2020?  To answer this question, we here at …

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How To Get Press Coverage Using Original Research [Video]

Media engagement can be tough if you don’t have something of interest to report on. Original research stands out to many audiences of people consuming content online… and media outlets tend to recognize that.  That’s why you can usually count on some coverage of original research from the press.  PR Works There is a reason …

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Using Research to Create Infographics [Video]

A well-designed infographic of your original research is an excellent way to share your research with the community and increase engagement.  If you think infographic’s moment in the sun has passed… Research shows that you might be wrong! According to a study we did earlier this year, over 1/3 of …

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How Digital Marketers Can Take Advantage of VPNs

Guest post contributed by: Alex MitchellMarketing Manager @ VPNpro.comTeam of online security & privacy professionals Getting noticed online has arguably become more difficult than ever. For that reason, it’s important for digital marketers to continually adapt in order to gain an advantage over the competition. With the internet underpinning everything that …

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How to Use Research to Write a Guest Blog Post [Video]

We all know that keeping a regular cadence of content up on your blog can lead to big wins. But have you tried guest blogging? Why guest blog? Guest blogging is an extremely effective way to expose your content to a new and relevant audience. Not to mention the boost …

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Using Research Content for Your Webinar [Video]

Webinars are an amazing (and relatively inexpensive) way to connect with a super targeted audience who are generally ready to engage with your brand.  Webinars, like all things, take time to master. But practice makes perfect right? That means, you need ideas for content! You want your webinar topic to: …

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Using Data-Driven Personalization to Get Results [Research]

Data-Driven Personalization is here to stay. Avi Dan, an SEO expert, said “Personalization is not a trend, it’s a marketing tsunami.”  But what is data-driven personalization? At its core, personalization is delivering value to someone at just the right moment. When you know enough about someone to deliver content to them at just …

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Create Compelling Content: Use Research in Podcasts [Video]

According to most recent research, over 50% of Americans have listened to a podcast. What’s even more notable, is that of those people, 80% report listening to nearly the whole episode. That is an incredibly high engagement rate! How to create compelling content using research That’s why we’re writing about …