Data-Driven Personalization is here to stay. Avi Dan, an SEO expert, said “Personalization is not a trend, it’s a marketing tsunami.”
But what is data-driven personalization? At its core, personalization is delivering value to someone at just the right moment. When you know enough about someone to deliver content to them at just the right moment, that is data-driven personalization. Gone are the days of random blasts and generalization. Today, you must be specific, personal, and strategic with your marketing efforts.
Ascend2 fielded the Data-Driven Personalization Survey, and 251 marketing professionals participated. The Data-Driven Personalization Survey Summary Report provides the results from the survey and is available for download. The report will help you answer the question:
How are marketers using data-driven personalization to enhance their strategy?
Here are a few noteworthy findings from the Asend2 research study:
Finding #1: Primary Objectives
Delivering a better experience to customers is a top goal for a data-driven personalization strategy to achieve for nearly two-thirds (64%) of marketing professionals surveyed. Increasing visitor engagement and increasing conversion rates are also primary objectives according to 44% and 43% of those surveyed, respectively.

Finding #2: Critical Challenges
When it comes to the success of a data-driven personalization strategy, improving the customer experience and increasing visitor engagement top the list of challenges for 44% and 42% of marketers, respectively. Improving the quality of data used is also a critical challenge, according to 41% of those surveyed.

Finding #3: Types of Marketing Data
Today, the type of data collected for marketing use goes far beyond the traditional name, company, and title. Over half (55%) of marketing professionals say that website activity is the most important type of marketing data utilized for personalization efforts. Transaction activity is also at the top of the list of important types of data to 47% of those marketers surveyed.

Finding #4: How Total Budget is Changing
It is becoming apparent that marketers see value in dedicating time, resources, and expenses to personalization in their marketing efforts. The majority of those surveyed (86%) will be devoting more of their total budget to incorporating data-driven personalization into their overall strategy. Nearly one-in-five (18%) describe this increase as significant.

Download the Data-Driven Personalization Survey Summary Report and put it to work to develop your data-driven personalization strategy.
Do you have a success story to share? Take a few minutes and tell us how you are using data-driven personalization to enhance their strategy.
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