The knowledge surrounding the utilization of intent data is growing as it is adopted by organizations that span many different industries and marketing channels.
But how are marketers using what they know about intent data to optimize their strategy in the year ahead?
To help answer this question, Ascend2 and our Research Partners fielded The Outlook on Intent Data survey. We thank the 337 marketers who responded to this survey between March 20, 2022 and March 28, 2022.
Research highlights:
- Things are looking up? 82% of marketers say the effectiveness of intent data has increased the past year.
- Taking action is getting easier. Deriving actionable insights from intent data is proving less of a problem for marketers compared to responses from last year, with only 28% reporting it as a top challenge.
- An inside job. 44% of marketers report keeping intent data implementation and utilization in-house.
The vast majority of marketing professionals surveyed feel that intent data contributes to overall success. According to one-in-five marketers surveyed, intent data is very successful at helping to achieve marketing objectives. Another 69% of those surveyed report it is somewhat successful while only 11% say that it is unsuccessful at helping marketers to achieve goals.
An 82% majority of marketers found the effectiveness of intent data at achieving objectives to have
increased to some extent in the past 12 months. 15% say that this increase was significant while over two-thirds (67%) of marketing professionals describe this increase as moderate. Less than one-in-five (18%) marketers surveyed report a decrease in effectiveness.
Where are organizations currently with the utilization of intent data? Nearly half (44%) of marketers
surveyed report that they either have intent data implemented and integrated into their strategy or are
currently in the process of implementation. Another 17% say they plan to introduce intent data into their
strategy in the next 12 months.
Creating an overall strategy to effectively utilize intent data is a top reported challenge for nearly half
(47%) of those surveyed. Integrating intent data with other data to create a unified view of the customer
is another challenge to effective utilization for 38% of marketers. Deriving meaningful insights that can be used to make better marketing decisions is also a barrier to success for 38% of marketing professionals.
Marketers report that creating and delivering targeted ad content is the most actionable use for intent
data, according to 52% of those surveyed. Nearly half of marketers say that email marketing is a most
actionable use for intent data while using intent data to personalize content creating a more desirable
customer experience is also high on the list of most actionable uses for 44% of marketers.

Over half (54%) of marketing professionals surveyed will be increasing their budgets for intent data in
the next 12 months. This increase will be up to 10% for 42% of those surveyed and more than 10% for the remaining 12% of those surveyed. Another 40% of intent data budgets will remain the same in the coming year while only 6% report a decrease.
Implementation and utilization of intent data is executed in-house for 44% of organizations surveyed. Just over half (51%) of marketers report using a combination of in-house resources and outsourced expertise. Only 5% of those surveyed say that their intent data use is completely outsourced.
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