According to most recent research, over 50% of Americans have listened to a podcast. What’s even more notable, is that of those people, 80% report listening to nearly the whole episode. That is an incredibly high engagement rate!
How to create compelling content using research
That’s why we’re writing about how to use your research as the foundation of a podcast episode!
Heres how: Try setting the stage for your podcast episode by describing a notable and relevant chart or stat from your research.
Spend the rest of the episode discussing in detail how it might apply to your audience: talk tactics to use based on the results and strategize using specific examples and case studies.
For example:
One of our most recent reports is called Marketing Automation Integration, which profiled how marketers are integrating new marketing automation systems into their overall strategy. One of the charts found in this report gives insight into which metrics marketers find are the most important to track when implementing new marketing automation.

Take your listeners through each one these metrics (revenue, conversions, etc.) and how best to track, analyze and improve them over time.
Give your website traffic a boost while you’re at it!
Push listeners to your podcast site by directing them to a show notes page so they can see the chart for themselves!
Free research
We conduct surveys to thousands of marketers monthly and have a huge library of research reports on a wide variety of topics that might be of interest to you and your audience. Check out our Research Library and find one that resonates with you and that will engage your listeners!